Why Alexander Winch Coffee?

On this website you'll see several delicious types of coffee-- you'll also see a few key reasons those types of coffee would make a delicious cup of Guru!

First of all, I have many years experience in graphic design for small businesses and more recently, marketing and sales experience. In my previous career I worked in a small team managing marketing for several SMB clients. We answered every email, every phone call and ensured the ball never got dropped and that the client was always satisfied with work being done. Client satisfaction was at the top of our priority list.

My experience in marketing, along with experience in retail environments including managing marketing for a small retail shop have allowed me to hone my communication skills, develop personable qualities, and let's not forget of course-- that dash of humour!

My passion for small and independent businesses along with my experience in marketing & retail would brew a very nice cup of Shopify Guru.